Tuesday April 23rd 2024 08:04 PM CST
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Connecting to IPXNET Servers faster using .BAT files!

Not only this makes connecting to a server more faster, it doesn't lead you to alt-tab just to look at the IP typing it down.

Here is what you'll need :

- Text editor (Notepad, Notepad++ etc)

STEP 1 - Creating the .BAT file

First you go to the "drivec" folder and create a text document.

You can either rename the .txt extension to the .bat extension or you can re-save it to a .bat in Notepad.

Anyways, open the new file in notepad, and type in the following :

ipx true
ipxnet connect

The "ipx true" part is only there to make sure IPX is enabled because dosbox.conf has IPX disabled by default. The IPXNET part doesn't have to exactly "" as you can grab the server from our Discord server and use that instead.

You can now save the file as a .BAT file (example : FRAGGLE.BAT) but make sure to keep it short as you can only go up to 8 characters (letters/numbers/symbols/etc) so keep that in mind.

STEP 2 - Running the .BAT file

Now that you have saved that file as a batch file, run dosbox.exe and when at the "DOS Prompt" type the batch file you just created and it should make a attempt to connect to the IPX server.

Example :


And this is how you make the batch files!